
Editing, transcreation and localisation


Editing, localisation and transcreation services

Attentive to the different local sensitivities of the populations and groups of people you address, Studio Interpreti Milano offers editing, localisation and transcreation services that aim to create foreign language texts suitable for the uses and cultural contexts for which they are intended.

  • Editing involves proofreading a text or translation to check that its syntax, grammar, style and terminology comply with the client’s editorial standards, as well as correcting any errors and inaccuracies. Studio Interpreti Milano offers editing services that adhere to the standard UNI EN ISO 17.100, which allows the client to choose from different revision methods according to their editing needs:
    • Revision compares the translated text to the original text;
    • Review only entails rereading the translation or text produced directly in a specific language;
    • Proofreading involves correcting draft work as a final check, before printing or publishing the text.
  • Transcreation is a free translation: it doesn’t necessarily involve translating a text word for word and which, conversely, can use words and constructs different from those of the source language. In transcreation, the concept of linguistic localisation finds its maximum expression, understood as the adaptation of editorial, technical or advertising content to the cultural paradigms of the target audience. Translators who deal with transcreation require a high level of creativity in identifying the most suitable forms of expression for achieving the goal of the message, even involving the audience where this requires recreation of the content and adaptation of the style, syntax and terminology.
  • Localisation involves the adaptation of a document, software or audio-visual product, aimed at adapting its linguistic, graphic and multimedia aspects to the cultural paradigms of the local audience for which it is intended, as well as the ways they will use it.

Given the increasingly pressing aim of engaging the foreign audience, a translation agency that provides editing, transcreation and localisation services embraces a purely holistic approach: for example, in the case of website localisation, we don’t limit ourselves to transcreating text-based content, but particular attention is also paid to non-verbal communication, through the choice of communication style, audiovisual solutions, graphic images and the multimedia support most suited to the target market.

With Studio Interpreti Milano your marketing campaigns will hit the target in any language, due to the following characteristics that make our editorial work unique (for more details on editing and localisation, you can also view this link):

  • Advanced knowledge of local markets thanks to the local presence of our offices right where you want to be.
  • Consolidated experience in the translation and recreation of messages (transcreation), necessary to make your company stand out on the market while remaining faithful to the brand image.
  • Constant communication between our editors and transcreators and your brands and digital managers, to coordinate everyone’s efforts towards the common goal.
  • Terminological uniformity guaranteed by specific technologies and work procedures at every stage of the editing, transcreation and localisation process – an essential prerequisite for keeping your brand consistent and strong worldwide.

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